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Techno Subliminals

I just noticed that Chris and Cosey's Techno Primitive lp has the
notation "This recording contains subliminals" on the back.  Is that
supposed to be a warning, or what?  Does anyone know how this sort
of thing is done, what the subliminals are saying, etc?

I recall that it is supposed to be possible to put into films visual
messages that are so brief that they are not noticed consciously but
only subliminally (is that right?), and that this notion occasionally
generates scare stories in the press; but even if it did work visually
(where you can imagine seeing the whole image at once and then processing
it unconsciously), would it work in sound, where the message must be
spread out over time in order to be sound at all?  Perhaps the messages
are very quiet or altered in pitch instead?  Backwards messages?

Finally, why is this the only place where I've seen such a notice?  I
mean, can't you just see all these heavy metal records with big orange
stickers on the front saying:


And, of course, I've been listening to this record...

-- Jeff

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