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Re: females in indi rock

>One thing I've noticed after a year or so of much listening to "indi"
music is
>this:  if an
>album has female vocals or mostly female bandmembers, chances are it's
a very
>good album.  

>The only 
>reason I can think of for why this claim might be true would be
something like
>an undeliberate sexist filter in the music scene on girl musicians
>weeds out the mediocre 90% of female musicians, leaving only the best

Or it could be an undeliberate sexist beacon in your head that makes you
like female vocals over male vocals.  It's a hellofalot more senuous
listening to a throaty Chrissie Hynde singing "Lust turns to anger.  A
push to shove.  Somethin' was sticky on the shag rug.  Look at the
time.", than Lee Ving singing, "Piss on your warm embrace.  I just wanna
cum in your face."  (Or even something nicer for that matter.)  I know
my girlfriend likes the male oriented bands better than the female ones.
In fact she said she really doesn't like female singers at all.

As to additions to the list, though they may no longer be on indies, you
simply have to include Xeanne Cervenka (Sp?) of X.  Still one of my all
time favorites, eventhough, they've been strugglin' lately.  May as well
mention the Mourning Glories while I'm at it.


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