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From: (Mr. Adventure)
Date: 12 Feb 87 18:13:05 GMT
Subject: Re: Kate and hellicopters
Organization: The Temple of Gloom
References: <8702120228.AA16219@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Reply-To: mr_adv@garp.UUCP (Mr. Adventure)
> From: nessus (Doug Alan) > I love hellicopters! I think Kate should put one in every song! Somehow, I don't think that helicopters were around during the time "Wuthering Heights" was originally written. Didja ever wonder what Kate would be called if she were a man? The best thing I can come up with is "Bertrand Krotch". Somehow, it doesn't have the same ring to it, but then again, the girls would be the ones creamin' in their shorts. >If there were a hellicopter in >every song ever written, I'm sure the world would be a much more >peaceful place. "All we are saying is, whup whup whup whup Give peace a chance whup whup whup whup All we are saying... whup whup whup whup Aieeee! Cover!" whup whup whup whup bratatatatatat HELP ME! Ohmigod!!! Whoooooosh! BLEM!!! > Hellicopters for peace, > |>oug And Missles for covering fire. (Ok, so it was a Jewish missle) Al Oh, I'll have Mr. Adventure eating out of my hands in a few moments.