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Taking interviews seriously

From: "ROSSI J.A." <rossi@nusc.ARPA>
Date: 18 Feb 87 17:09:00 PST
Subject: Taking interviews seriously
Reply-To: "ROSSI J.A." <rossi@nusc.ARPA>

Has it ever occurred to the people who depend on excerpts from interviews with
pop stars that it is possible for them to lie occasionally.  One would expect
that, most lie quite frequently, especially when ego related issues are
raised.  This is not to dispute the spoken word of, say, Kate about the true
meaning of HoL, or Gabriel's explanation for the Genesis breakup, but one
must consider that there are always explainations for verbal behavior which
extend beyond truth-telling.  Now, ponering the ramifications of this insight,
it can probably be concluded that people who stand in fanatic adoration of
a particular star whoul tend to view their (the star's) spoken word as
gospel, and would exhibit a tendency to ignore, or otherwise demine, 
alternative explainations of events surrounding their idol's life.  Just
today, I heard a 17 year old female (who adores Bon Jovi in much the same
way as IED adores Kate) make similar statements concerning the hairy Italian
rocker.  Although the language was not as quasi-articulate as that used by
IED (one must assume that he has at least 1 year of hard core college under
his belt, and has, presumably passed, ehglish composition 101), the same
fanatic remarks were there.  IED, Diane (this girl's name), challanges you
to name an album which is as cohesive, inspirational, or of better quality
than Slippery When Wet, with other Bon Jovi albums excluded, has been
produced in the last decade.  Now, who is right here?  Diane can argue
her point as effectively as IED, and with all the evidence at hand, based
on her description of how she dresses for Bon Jovi concerts, I personally
would believe she is probably right (pardon the sexist implications of the
last sentence, please).  Jesus, maybe IED and Diane should get together and
discuss the meaning of life without the existence of their idols.  What
about it IED, maube she'll show you hers if you show her yours.
