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Re: "'ere there, I. there, wot's all this there 'ere there?"

From: Ed Simpson <dukecdu!evs%duke.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET>
Date: Sun, 4 Jan 87 19:47:16 EST
Subject: Re: "'ere there, I. there, wot's all this there 'ere there?"

IED0DXM%UCLAMVS.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU writes regarding the Hammersmith
> The tracks included (not in this order) are, from memory:
> "Moving", "Feel It", "Hammer Horror", "Wow", "Oh England, My Lionheart",
> "James and the Cold Gun", "Wuthering Heights", "Violin", "Kite",
> "Strange Phenomena", "Don't Put Your Foot on the Heartbrake" and
> "In the Warm Room", I believes. (There may be a confusion here with
> other songs that appeared in other films of the show.)
Replace "In the Warm Room" with "Them Heavy People".

For the "Single File" video try:
Barry Clements
Crystal Mountain Products
Box 1299
Glenwood Springs, Colorado  81602

He gave me a much better deal than Intergalactic Garage would have.

------------Ed Simpson