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Jokers abroad.

From: ll-xn!uwvax!astroatc!gtaylor (Twice the speed of silence)
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 86 11:42:26 cst
Subject: Jokers abroad.
Posted-Date: Wed, 10 Dec 86 11:42:26 cst

The band that some of killing joke (Jaz and someone else-maybe whatsisname
from Brilliant) fled to Iceland to hang out with were called "Peyr". I've
always heard the band's name pronounced "Theyr", which leads me to believe
that the name uses one of those nice letters that the Roman Leveller Alphabet
doesn't have. The name is Icelandic for "thaw", I think. They have at least
one indie LP out. You should check out your back issues of OP or OPtion for
articles on Iceland. Methinks there was one written by an Icelander.

I'll be doing an interview with Harold Budd for OPtion in the next couple of
weeks. We'll be talking about the new album of his and probably about the 
Cocteau Twins. If any of you has anything you'd like to ask the guy, drop me
a line. I talked to him a little last night on the phone. Nice guy, talks in
sentences and paragraphs. Has guns. Watches the Raiders. And makes lovely
music. I'll post the thing when it's all over.