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From: "R. James Nusbaum" <rjn%duke.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 86 11:11:34 EST
Subject: submission

What has happened to the Bad Brains?  They used to be one of my
very favorite bands, combining driving hard core with excellent
reggae.  Now they have a new album out, the first in four years,
and the songs I have heard off of it are terrible!  They sound
like they are trying for top 40, with weak vocals and guitar solos
that could have come right off Don Johnson's new album.  Maybe I've
only heard the bad songs so far, but if anybody knows what the deal
is I'd appreciate hearing it.

As a side note: PG made a request to Duke University that he be
allowed to start his US tour here on November 7.  Duke told him
no because the basketball team needed to use the auditorium for
a practice.  The practice was for an exhibition game.  What a crock!

Jim Nusbaum

R. James Nusbaum, Duke University Computer Science Department,
Durham NC 27706-2591. Phone (919)684-5110.
CSNET: rjn@duke        UUCP: {ihnp4!decvax}!duke!rjn
ARPA: rjn%duke@csnet-relay