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Q & A

From: Susanne E Trowbridge <umcp-cs!jhunix!ins_aset@seismo.CSS.GOV>
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 86 9:50:18 EDT
Subject: Q & A

>By the way has anyone heard anything by a gaelic group called Clannard
> - two albums that i have on cd, Macalla and Legend are pdg
> richard

They've got about eight albums out, and they are extremely popular
in their native Ireland.  "Macalla" is their most "pop" work to date,
while the others have a more traditional Irish sound.  Their lead
singer, Maire (something unpronounceable), is quite "cozy" with Bono
from U2.

>I have a question about the Cocteau Twins.  I'm not terribly familiar with
>their music, but I can recognize them when I hear them on the radio.  I
>like what I have heard on the radio, but I don't know enough to go out and
>buy any of their cd's.  Peter Alfke seems to really like _Garlands_. 

I dunno...I like their later music's much softer than the
material on "Garlands."  The best intro would be their compilation disk,
"The Pink Opaque," which was released here on vinyl on Relativity Records, 
but I believe the CD's an import.  This features material from "Garlands"
and their other LPs and 12"s.  My favorite Cocteau Twins album is "Head
Over Heels," btw.

>  I really liked that song - it was pretty, with acoustic
>guitar, and nice vocals, and nice to listen to.  Is all of _Vict._ like
>that?  Maybe that would be a good first CT album?  Please help out a
>potential CT fan!  

It's certainly different from the rest of the Cocteaus' material in
that it has no drums.  There are no drums at all on "Victorialand."
If you liked the song you heard on the radio, you'd undoubtedly like
the rest of the is a lovely record, but I prefer "Head Over
Heels," "Treasure," and their EPs.

>				    - Nancy Everson

>Does anyone know anything about the March Violets?  I've heard
>a coupla songs, I think "Walk Into the Sun" may have been the title.
>Maybe off the *Electric Shades* album?  Anyway, what's the scoop on
>these guys.  The music is kind of overly accessible, (read: close to Top 40)
>but the tune has sorta stuck with me for a few daze.

The March Violets are a band from Leeds (home of lots of fabbo bands
like the Sisters of Mercy, Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, etc.) who started
off with a male and a female vocalist, which led to a bit of X-style
interplay.  In this form, the Violets released three 12" singles ("Crow
Baby," "Snake Dance," and "Walk Into The Sun") and an album, "Natural
History."  Then Simon, the male vox, left to form his own band, the
Batfish Boys.  The female, Cleo, now does all the vocals, which has
made the band a bit less interesting in my opinion.  I saw them live
just a few weeks after Simon had left; I didn't even know he was gone,
and I was rather horrified to note that the band had taken a turn towards
heavy metal (urgh), and had replaced their drum machine with a real
drummer (nothing against real drums, but the Violets sounded cool with
a drum machine).  Nevertheless, I bought their single, "Deep," a few
weeks later, which is actually not bad.  

"Electric Shades" is yet another compilation of material by the
Relativity label.  Features both Simon and Cleo stuff.  Still, I would
suggest tracking down a copy of the very good "Natural History" LP.

>One other thing.  What's with the new The the stuff.  Is it going to be
>an album, or just a single or what.  Is "Flesh and Bones" going to be on it,
>or do we get all new material.  Any projected dates for release.

An album, eventually.  Two singles are already "available" (I'm not sure
where) -- "Heartland" (latest) and "Sweet Bird of Truth."  Don't HURRY
the guy, for goodness' sake -- you know how slowly he works.  We've
waited three years, we can wait a few more weeks, eh?  No ideer if
"Flesh and Bones" is going to be included, but it would not surprise
me.  One less track for Matt to sweat over...

>Dave Juitt			 	always work.  go to church.
>					do right.

" can take this from me and then get out of here!"

(The CabVolt fans in the theatre were going wild when Bruce Lee uttered
that line in "Enter the Dragon"...all two of us!)
