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Classical comparisons / Cute Quotes

From: "ROSSI J.A." <rossi@nusc.ARPA>
Date: 25 Jun 86 10:35:00 PST
Subject: Classical comparisons / Cute Quotes
Reply-To: "ROSSI J.A." <rossi@nusc.ARPA>

Just teasing, Doug.  Besides, I forgot about the 'Rite of Spring'.  I have
strong feelings concerning the comparisons of modern 'POP' music with
anything classical (pre 1850) or what I consider neo-classical.  This status
we give to 'old' music, is given because it is 'old' and has stood the test
of time, not because of what it sounds like.  There were undoubtedly hundreds
of composers, song-writers, etc who lived in the 17, 18 and 19 centuries who
are unhgeard of today.  They are, then, not classical composers.

Sorry, I got to go and attend some sonar stuf, I'll continue later.
