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Art, with a capital A

From: Bob Krajewski <lmi-angel!rpk>
Date: Thu, 22 May 86 16:47:19 edt
Subject: Art, with a capital A

When I mentioned the Buttholes as being Art Damaged, I was talking more
about their effect that any ``credentials'' they might posess (but they
didn't they pop out of college anyway ?).  I don't want to get into
arguments about Art, but what I'm definitely interested in is the end
product, and how it hits me.

The Meatmen played a local club here (T.T. the Bears) and were rock hard.
As far as sex'n'stuff goes, Tesco himself is probably an omnisexual.
Anyway, they may be coming to your town, though there doesn't seem to be any
new record...