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i'm back...

From: Susanne E Trowbridge <umcp-cs!jhunix!ins_aset@seismo.CSS.GOV>
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 86 9:15:44 EST
Subject: i'm back...

After a week and a half without love-hounds, I received a whole
pile of them from the terminal of Doug many that they
made me go over disk allocation!  

Anyway, here's a funny story about the new Cocteau Twins album.
A friend of mine (who shall remain nameless) got it a couple of
days ago.  When I asked him what he thought, he said that it was
very nice, but who was the guy singing?  I was stumped, but since
I hadn't had much time to listen to my own copy yet, I said I
wasn't sure.  The next day, he called me and told me that he'd
been playing it at *33* rpm instead of 45!  He thinks it sounds
even better at the correct speed, though...

Tomorrow, I am venturing to the 9:30 Club yet again, this time to
experience Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel.  Amazingly, the Wash.
Post contains a review of the latest album in its "Weekend"
section today.  This, from the paper which referred to the Butthole
Surfers as the "B Surfers" and the Dead Kennedys as the "DK's"?
(By the way, the Foetus review is by the same person who played
the Cocteau Twins album at the wrong speed :-)
