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China ? / Jim Hofmann's Reputation

From: "ROSSI J.A." <rossi@nusc.ARPA>
Date: 15 Apr 86 12:11:00 PST
Subject: China ? / Jim Hofmann's Reputation
Reply-To: "ROSSI J.A." <rossi@nusc.ARPA>

A.  The song China (Light?) was definately not China Grove, I never mix
    Doobies and music that I can appreciate.  This is not to say that
    the China ? that I am interested in is any 'heavier' than what
    thge Doobies might have done (In fact, I'll stay with David Cassidy
    as a sound alike, because of the mixdown), it was, however, played
    extensively for about a 1 month period on CHOM in Montreal around
    May of 1976 (while CHOM was still a reasonable progressive station
    which played Eno, many cuts from Lamb Lies Down on Broadway, and
    even played the whole Heart of a Saturday Night LP by t. Waits
    during that time period).  I have little expectation that the identity
    of this China ? tune will ever be revealed.

B.  Concerning Jim Hofmann's reputation...
    I believe that the remark about 'Hof' and the boys was directed in
    a flame of me.  In order to further set the record straight, I never
    intended that Hofmann be connected with the use of drugs in an
    music enhancement mode.  Although the subject of drugs was mentioned
    by me in a recent flame of Hofmann's attitude toward Madonna and the
    record company empire's subversion of everything good in music, it
    was part of a second flame concerning the use of drugs and was not
    related to the comments directed at Jim Hofmann.  Given anything
    that has transpired in this digest (or elsewhere), I have no reason
    to believe that Hofmann uses drugs to 'enhance musical appreciation'
    or for any other matter.  While we are on the subject of protecting
    reputations, for the record, I don't do drugs anymore either.  Being
    a uniformed employee, I am subject to random piss inspections, so
    using them would be foolhardy.  I actually stoped using drugs in
    1972, and that fact appears on my application for my commission in
    the Navy, in which I cleared the slate concerning my sorted past.
    As to my attitides concerning other persons use of drugs, live and
    let live.  I, don't however, condone usage of drugs by anyone who is
    in a position of authority, or responsibility where the effects of
    drugs might effect their performance and endanger the well being
    of others.  I also believe that this is well in line with the
    current military position on the subject (i.e., if you want to use
    drugs, don't join.).  One more thing, I don't object to the random
    urinalysis, I am subject to.  That I keep clean was a condition of
    my contract with the Navy, it was a voluntary acceptance of a Navy
    policy.  With responsibility often comes a necessity to observe
    reasonable regulations.  How many people would actually feel safe
    knowing that our emense destructive power was at the fingertips
    of some stonned boffo.  [I know this isn't going to set well with
    many people out there, I feel that the tests should be extended to
    include alcolol use (on duty), and that all the tests should be
    administered to persons of responsibility in the civillian work
    force, GS and otherwise].

Hope I havent stirred up another non-Kate topic here.

'When the sun comes up on a sleepy little town, down round San Antone'

