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Date: Thu, 10 Apr 86 21:02 PST
Subject: WHOAH!
Randomness: Men love to wonder, and that is the seed of science.
References: NOT a first note from some net-wanker [1265]

That was a very interesting message, and I must agree for the most part.

In my opinion, U2 is absolutely the most fantastic band that ever set foot
on this planet, but if someone else doesn't think so, well fine.  I am not
of the opinion that if U2 hadn't come along, rock and roll would have died
a quick death.  I can listen to some pop music, but not too much, and if
someone else can't at all, well fine, but they'd better not tell me that I
can't possibly have good taste in music if I listen to ___ because they hit
#1 with some single and "we ALL know that if a band hits number 1 they've
sold out and the song can't possibly be good."

The snobbish, underground band ego is the most annoying thing about fans
of progressive music.  "If it isn't blatantly progressive and hard to
listen to the first time, it can't possibly be good."

"It's too catchy."


Didn't someone say that about "Hounds of Love?"  That's a great song.

"No it's not!"

Well, fine then.  Whatever.  [shrug]

Boy, did that message spur a side of me that's never come out, or what?

Have a nice day.
