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Re: KB vs Madonna

From: nessus (Doug Alan)
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 86 00:31:43 EST
Subject: Re: KB vs Madonna

> Really-From: "ROSSI J.A." <rossi@nusc.ARPA>

> I didn't realize this until later in the night when someone asked me
> what the name of the Madonna album I played was.  It took a long
> time for me to figure out what they wanted to know, but I finally
> concluded that HoL must have been what they were referring to.  I
> played a bit of the LP for them, and, shure enough, they thought
> Kate was Madonna.

Well, you know, any bozo can read Bronte's "Wuthering Heights" and say
"Wow!  That's a really good Harlequin Romance novel."  Or see
Williams's "The Glass Menagerie" and say "Almost as good as 'Three's
Company'" That doesn't mean their opinion is worth anything.

> Personally, I don't see a lot of similarities but I am listening to the
> *TEXTURE* most of the time.

Personally, I don't see a lot of similarity, and I'm listening to it

> But, this morning I heard a Madonna tune and I agree, there is a
> vocal similarity with some of Kate's more commercial stuff on HoL.
> (sigh).

Yeah -- they are both white female sopranos who make pop music.  And
if you only listen to the three songs with dance rhythms that KB has
recorded, them they both use dance rhythms.  Even that pretty much
narrows it down if your only points for comparison are such
superficial details.  KB could be "just like" Madonna or just like
Cyndi Lauper.  And slavery is freedom.  Ignorance is knowledge.
Commons is edible.

			"Like a version
			 Beta tested for the very first time"
