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Re: Obscenity

From: ihnp4!s.e.badian
Date: 14 Mar 1986 9:36 EST
Subject: Re: Obscenity
References: <8603131200.AA13684@EDDIE>

Re: Obscenity

Personally, I have nothing against "obscenity" or using those terrible
words. But, after a while "fucking amazing" says about as much to me
as "it was damn good" or "I loved it!" You are not giving me any extra
information by saying "fucking amazing" if you use it quite frequently,
and I have the distinct impression that certain members of this mailing
list toss around these words quite a bit. You may believe that pepper-
ing your notes with various four letter words is giving us a good view
of what you felt, but it doesn't say much to me on an intelluctual or
emotional level. I think there are much better words around that say
what you wish to express. Of course, if you want to be terse, they cer-
tainly get your point across in short order.

Actually, from reading this mailing list I get the feeling that the
people who use these "obscenities" are attempting to show us that they
are rebellious and have the punk-I-don't-give-a-fuck-what-society-thinks-is-
proper attitude. This is just the impression I get from reading their
notes. I find it interesting that so many presumably well-paid engineering
types have this kind of attitude. I'd like to see what you all look like
to see if you look as strange as you talk. And if you look normal (by
normal, I mean, pretty much like everyone else, not like the girl I saw
in Philly with half her head shaved and crosses painted on her scalp
in red nailpolish, and a white mouse in her over-sized coat pocket) then
I have to wonder how many people I see at work are really closet punkers!

I would like to move that we don't argue about using words that you 
wouldn't use in front of your grandmother (well, some Midwestern kind of
proper grandmother; my grandmother could care less). That we just let
whomever uses them, continue to use them. And those of you who are 
offended just say "BLEEEP" to yourself whenever you see one. We ain't
going to get no where around here if we sit around yelling about using
such tried and true words as fuck and shit. This is a list to discuss
music, isn't it???

Sharon Badian