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Letter From Ivo

From: Hofmann@AMSAA.ARPA
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 86 8:46:11 EST
Subject: Letter From Ivo

This is reprinted from the latest issue of the Offense Newsletter, which
is a pretty good monthly that follows bands like The Fall, The Cocteau Twins,
The Buttholes and Nick Cave.  It also features tons of creative record and zine
reviews and scribblin's from scenesters from all over the USA including 
John "Baboon Dooley" Crawford, Fred Mills, Chet Howland and the net's very own
SB Tobias.   It gets a little too cheerleaderish at times when the editor
is talking about his godheads but that's what a fanzine is all about, I guess.  
Send a SASE to The Offense Newsletter, PO Box 12614, Columbus, Oh  43214 for 
subscription or sample issue information.

---- cut here ----
I thought I'd give you an update on our activities and plans.  Our first 
releases will be a 12" by a Dutch singer, with a rather remarable voice, 
called Richenel and an LP (Victoria Land) by the Cocteaus.  This LP, which 
I'm totally in love with, is somewhat different.  On their return from the U.S. 
Robin and Liz decided they wanted to go into the studio with just an acoustic 
guitar (and racks of Robin's effects) and see what happened.  The resultant 
three tracks were remarkable -- so they wrote and recorded another six which
have all become Victoria Land.  Simon's not on the record but Richard, from
Dif Juz, plays sax on three songs and there are virtually no drums.

Even before we release the LP (late March?) they will have started work on 
another LP with Simon.

The Wolfgang Press are currently recording a new LP and Colourbox an EP.
Everyone is working on their individual contributions for a compilation of
new material which will be accompanied by a 23 Envelope-directed video.

Word still continues on the This Mortal Coil LP, and I'm still talking to 
Throwing Muses, from Boston, about an album.  Sometime this month I hope to
finalize licensing arrangements for an LP of traditional Bulgarian folk songs
entitled Le Mystere Des Voix Bulgares.

Also planned in '86 will be Colourbox, Xymox, and Dif Juz LPs.  Since our 
meeting with Harold Budd in L.A.  last September discussions still continue
concerning a possible collaboration between him and the Cocteaus.

I've also asked Pieter, of Xymox, if he would like to record a solo LP.

As you can see from all of this, I anticipate being somewhat busy simply
coordinating probably more releases in one year than we've had since 1980.
I hope it'll all be worthwhile.

				Ivo Watts-Russell London England
				4 A D Records.