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Cocteau Twins

Date: Thu, 06 Mar 86 13:28:36 -0800
Subject: Cocteau Twins

Has anyone on this list raved lately about the Cocteau Twins?  Being a new
subscriber, I wouldn't want to repeat things others have already said ...

If I don't hear "we've DONE that already" from anyone, I'll see fit to go
ahead and describe their wonderfulness.  Not to worry; I won't get embar-
rassingly effusive ("Liz Fraser is the VERY VOICE OF GOD"*), and, their
music being what it is, I can't give any strainedly intellectual analyses
of their lyrics.  Just reasonably restrained rapt adulation.

						--Peter Alfke
*Liz Fraser can be the Very Voice of God on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays,
 and Sundays, while Kate Bush can be the V.V.o'G. on Tuesdays, Thursdays
 and Saturdays.  Yes, Kate only gets three days, but she sings louder.
 "Just trying to be fair!"