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In Remembrance of Things Past

From: think!harvard!uwvax!astroatc!gtaylor (Greg Taylor)
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 86 08:43:57 cst
Subject: In Remembrance of Things Past

[I pulled this out of the Love-Hounds Digest in, so you may want
to delete this gds, so it doesn't get posted twice.  -- Doug]

> If anyone thinks they know how "aresh aresh tomp pare hairdo" should
> really read, or knows what a "Cop Boutique" is, please let me know:

I'm surprised that a dedicated obscurantist such as yourself could miss
where "aresh" comes from.....after all, the author's name is right there
in the song! Yep, good old Marcel Brust -oops, that's Proust. The real
title is "A la Recherche du Temps Perdu", translated in English as "The
Remembrance of Things Past." It's a 3 volume set of 7 "books" in the
most elliptical Frogspeak you can imagine whose siren charms are known
to all.  It is the novelistic equivalent of very good brandy. It will
either entirely captivate your or put you right to sleep, just like

Je pense, donc j'essuie,