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"Houdini" shivers

From: Henry Chai <chai%utflis%toronto.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA>
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 85 06:30:57 edt
Subject: "Houdini" shivers

>> From: Kevin Carosso <allegra!scgvaxd!engvax!KVC>
>> ps.  Anyone else shiver with the way she says "jingle-jangle" in
>>      "Houdini"?   Sensuality incarnate...

>From: Doug Alan
>Absolutely!  Also when she sings "With your spit still on my lip, you'd
>hit the water"!  Oooooh!

What sends a cold finger up *my* spine is the "Rosabel, believe" that seems
to come from `the other side'.
Also I notice similar effects between the lines "With your spit..." and the 
lines of `the judge' in "Waking the Witch".  In an interview Kate revealed that
the lines in "Houdini" were recorded in a slightly faster speed than normal,
so they're slower when played back.  My guess is that the lines of the `judge' 
are slowed down a bit too, tho' is hard to tell whether it's slowed down 
before the processing (using vocoder? sampling?) or after.

- Henry