the Reaching Out (Interviews) Table of Contents
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1993 23:46:00 +0100
(Ulrich Grepel)
Subject: Karstadt 'Music News' magazine (12/93) with Kate
The free music magazine of Karstadt, 'Music News' has an article/interview about/with Kate in issue 12/93. There are three pictures accompanying the article: the two Rubberband Girl pictures and the picture with the bird on her head.
After reading the interview I somehow doubt that this really was an interview. I'd consider it as a collage of several other interviews, the one and only new one that has been used a lot of times now and several old ones. The rest might just be filled in so that the interview has a thread it can run around. Especially WRONG is the question about shopping in the *Christmas* time. The film was completed LONG before Christmas time...
And now for something completely different:
In an Interview
Welling is a peaceful, friendly city in the county of Kent, in the south of England. This spot - a cinema, a tiny library, a supermarket, majestic orchards, pretty rows of houses - was the birth place of Catherine Bush. In Welling she grow up together with her brothers Paddy and John in an old brick farmhouse, entwined by wild ivy. Her father was a general practioner, the mother, an unshakeable Irish woman, with a traditional musical background, lead the household.
Noone from Welling ever managed to break out of the peacefulness into an international career - except Catherine Bush: After her musical debut 1978 as Kate Bush ("Wuthering Heights") her star arose like a comet, her unmistakable voice brought her gold, platinum and world-wide fame. Only Madonna was successful with more albums in the English charts. After four years of creative break now Kate Bush presents a new album: "The Red Shoes".
MUSIC NEWS: Which kind of music do you yourself like to listen to?
KATE BUSH: Many, but it must not be too wild. I like classical music, though I do not understand too much about classics. It is just plain nice to listen to and to give oneself to the feelings. The classical composers often were geniuses. I miss this genius with contemporary musicians.
MUSIC NEWS: Are you able to do your shopping now around the Christmas time without being pestered by the fans?
KATE BUSH: Yes. Of course. Sometimes people stand still and probably wonder where from they know me. I simply go on. I like shopping, but now I do not have much time for shopping. I am working on a film. It will be almost an hour long and Miranda Richardson, Lindsay Kemp, and I are playing the leading roles. It is a fairy tale around six songs from "The Red Shoes".
MUSIC NEWS: What have you done the last four years?
KATE BUSH: I was mainly busy doing my new album. I always was obsessed with the 1948 ballet movie "The Red Shoes". I took this stuff as an example for my new CD.
MUSIC NEWS: What do you do when you do not work at an album?
KATE BUSH: I like going to the cinema. But otherwise my life just revolves around my work. I do not have much time for society dates. I do not like parties very much.
MUSIC NEWS: Do you read your fan mail by yourself?
KATE BUSH: Yes. At least I try. It moves me every time how nice people write to me. Sometimes, when I'm really down, reading such a sweet letter really helps me going on.
MUSIC NEWS: What do you do for fun?
KATE BUSH: Albums.
MUCIS NEWS: Do you laugh very much when you are in the studio?
KATE BUSH: I like good humour. I can archive happy, exuberant moods in my inner self. I can laugh most about Monthy Python.
MUSIC NEWS: You are now 35. With 19 you had your first world hit. Do you have fear of getting older?
KATE BUSH: No. But there are so many things I would yet like to do. And sometimes I worry that time is simply running away from me.
the Reaching Out (Interviews) Table of Contents
"The pull and the push of it all..." - Kate Bush
Reaching Out
is a
Marvick - Hill
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Grepel - Love-Hounds