Interviews & Articles


(Gossip magazine)
probably 1985

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(Comments ending with WIE are from Wieland Willker)

From: Ben Siemerink <bjhs@hplb.hpl.hp.com>
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 1991 02:47:24 -0800
Subject: Gossip interview ca. 1985

[This interview is def. a plagiarism, not to say simple shit! --WIE]

I don't know, but I thought that I could look it up, too. Not true. I found a gossip story about Kate in a Dutch music magazine. It's not much, so I translated it. I wonder if they asked Kate the question, or if they made up the answers. Can anybody verify the answers?

I got the page from a friend of mine, and didn't ask for the issue number or the date. These data or not available, sorry. Anyway, it must have been about five years ago. Kate 'says'(?) that she has a steady friend for seven years (Del), maybe that's a clue?

Magazine: Popfoto

Status: Gossip magazine about pop artists. Not considered to have good interviews or reviews.

The article' has a large photo of Kate, with some general data at the side of that photo. Besides it, is a column with text. BTW Have a look at the date of birth!


Full name: Catherine Mary Bush

---[Mary is NOT her second name, she got it as a Confirmation name! --WIE]

Place and date of birth: 31 July 1958, Welling, Kent.

---[Wrong: July 30th! --WIE]

Sign of the zodiac: Leo

Hair colour: Red brown

Eyes colour: Brown


No, Kate Bush is not fond of talking about her private life. So, there isn't much known about her 'little person'. That's why Popfoto listed the 15 most ardent questions about Kate below...

Where do you live at this moment?

- I've got two houses. One in London and one in the country side. I don't tell you where...

Do you have a boyfriend?

- Yes, I've got a relationship with Del Palmer for seven years. He's the sweetest boy in the whole world!

Do you have kids?

- No.

Which instruments do you play?

- Violin, piano and Fairlight synthesizer.

What was your first group?

- The KT Bush Band, still my permanent accompanying group. My brother Paddy plays in that group as well.

What education did you have?

- St Josephs Grammar School and a professional dance education from Lindsay Kemp. Just like David Bowie, by the way.

What's your favourite drink?

- Mineral water. (Boring, isn't it?)

And your favourite diner?

- Vegetarian.

Do you have hobbys?

- Yes, music and dance, of course. But I'd like to read as well.

What was your happiest experience in your life?

- My first number one hit, Wuthering Heights.

And your saddest?

- Maybe that it took three years, before I got that number one hit. [I think this must have been made up. I don't think she would say something like this.]

Do you have a big wish?

- I would love it to play the main role in my own film!

How would you describe your character?

- Home-loving.

What do you really love to do?

- Shopping in second-hand shops.

What do you detest?

- Questions about my intimite private life


But still, you don't have your favourite colour. Maybe this will make it up with your friend?


To the Reaching Out (Interviews) Table of Contents

"The pull and the push of it all..." - Kate Bush

Reaching Out
is a
Marvick - Hill
Willker - Mapes
Grepel - Love-Hounds