Interviews & Articles


The Star
"Wow! It's Blooming Great To Be Kate"
April 18, 1979

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The Star
April 18, 1979

Wow! It's Blooming Great To Be Kate

Songbird: Kate, safe from vampires.

WOW! This is one Bush that even puts the flowers in the shade. But it wasn't the daffs that made budding superstar Kate feel so blooming marvelous yesterday...

The singer had just opened at the London Palladiun after her first smash-hit British tour and felt like sharing her joy.

So she took a stroll through a city-centre park and told her success story to the trees. yes, Kate everything in the garden's lovely.

To the Reaching Out (Interviews) Table of Contents

"The pull and the push of it all..." - Kate Bush

Reaching Out
is a
Marvick - Hill
Willker - Mapes
Grepel - Love-Hounds