the Reaching Out (Interviews) Table of Contents
The Sun
April 18, 1979
Dracula's Moll? Who, Me?
THAT flower of show business, singer Kate Bush, has been offered a blood-curdling Dracula's moll in a vampire film. But she thinks it is too soon for her to get her teeth into horror movies.
Kate, 20, said yesterday: "There is still so much I want to do musically. I am not ready for films yet.
"I was given a choice of two roles opposite Dracula-type characters, and I don't see myself in that sort of role.
"I have also turned down parts in musicals."
Kate is appearing this week in her buggest show so far, at the London Palladium.
Her new single, "Wow," is already a monster hit, and she is slaying 'em on her first British and European tour.
To the Reaching Out (Interviews) Table of Contents
"The pull and the push of it all..." - Kate Bush
Reaching Out
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Grepel - Love-Hounds