the Reaching Out (Interviews) Table of Contents
VERY occasionally a new personality bursts (and sometimes creeps gently) into the limelight of public attention, and steadily takes the world by storm. Among the countless seven-day wonders which the entertainment industry throws off its perpetual conveyor belt, we witness, on the rare occasion, a special talent with an almost hand-cast individuality that is instantly recognised as totally original and tastefully engineered.
Kate Bush is undoubtedly from this rare mould.
In January, Kate stunned the music world with her extraordinary single 'Wuthering Heights' based on Emily Bronte's novel. It shot to No. 1 in the national charts and her debut album which followed had many more pleasant surprises. 'The Kick Inside'* comprises thirteen of her own compositions and demonstrates not only an unusual vocal range, but the sensitivity with which she approaches her writing -- and her life.
Kate's sensitivity is not restricted to surface matters, but is heightened by her intense awareness. Although only 20, she has the sagacity and insight of many people twice her age. Her eyes, and ears, are turned gently to some source of light and inspiration which gives her the impetus and zest apparent through her work. New Age philosophies are an important aspect of her life, and she has been deeply impressed by the works of Gurdjieff. Her sensitivity and compassion have led her to shun animal food. "Life is a very precious thing," says Kate. "I suddenly came to the realisation four years ago, that to eat the flesh of the animals who share our joy in living, is very wrong."
Kate comes from a musical family and began playing the piano at an early age. She had written her first batch of songs by the age of eleven, and recorded her first demonstration disc at sixteen. Since then she has been exploring and developing her musical technique and, to expand her abilities even further, she has been taking dancing lessons. For a time she worked with Lindsay Kemp, master of mime and dance, and discovered the combined aspects of visual impact, mime and movement in relation to music and voice. "I believe," she says, "that a performance should be musical poetry in motion."
Kate's popularity is spreading overseas, but we hope that she is one British export that will stay with us for many years. D.M.
* The Kick Inside - EMI Records. EMC 3223
the Reaching Out (Interviews) Table of Contents
"The pull and the push of it all..." - Kate Bush
Reaching Out
is a
Marvick - Hill
Willker -
Grepel - Love-Hounds