I like to make my own initial observations about art, if it's
not very difficult to do so, before reading someone elses. Having said that,
here are some of my own observations and/or ponderings:
In making the RbG US video she is being a rubberband girl and not resisting
the "wind". The existence of the video fits the song.
The video is rather MTVish; she met the request/challenge to make it and
directed it *herself*. How many artists can say that about any of their videos?
It's cool to see that she can kick some ass (IMHO) even if she's not totally on
her turf; that's a greater test of ones strength. It sounded like she enjoyed
making it and made it pretty fast (is that right?) so I can imagine her
thinking, "So you want an American video, huh? *chuckle* *poof* with a
twist.... now on to something really challenging...". If she didn't enjoy
it at all then I wish she hadn't made it though. I enjoyed watching it, which
doesn't necessarily mean I want all of her videos to be like this one.
From a different view, clips from the movie are shown, with phrases like "You
are under the spell of the red shoes," and then immediately "It's
really happened to ya." Is this video an example of the spell? Or is it a
break from the spell? This video is different for her.
Right after singing "Here I go..." she is dancing in a straight
jacket with the rubberband man *but* the jacket is untied and the long sleeves
are flapping about while she makes the rubberband noises. Is she being freed by
not resisting the "wind" or is she showing the restrictions in making
this video. Perhaps it's both: having as much freedom as she can, given a
limitation. No one ever has total freedom. Maybe it means nothing. Art also
depends on the eye of the beholder and I've eyed enough; my eyes are tired.
Is she sort of making a female sign at the end??