The history of this FAQ starts with Jorn Barger writing a first FAQ for Later Ron Hill continued writing it. After Ron stopped to post I (i.e. Uli Grepel) continued this with a halfway rewrite. Even if I've written a lot of the stuff above it's not all my knowledge, it's yours, since I've pulled most of it from itself. To list the contributors in finest detail would be impossible, since there are so many, especially of those who 'just pointed out some errors' to me. Steve Berlin, who spell checked it, and wrote small (very small - [SB]) parts of this FAQ.
Some contributors that I somehow do remember (feel free to suggest more, I'll verify it...):
- AK: Aaro Koskinen
- AR: Andrew Russ
- AR2: Aaron Ridley
- AT: Araminta Thorne
- BLR: Brian L. Rachford
- BW: Bill Wisner
- CHB: Charles H. Baum
- CW: Chris Williams
- DB: Daniel Barrett
- DC: Dominic Chua
- DC2: David Clarke
- DMcK: Daniel Kian McKiernan
- DR: David Reff
- E: Elana
- EML: Emmy May Lombaerts
- EN: Ellen van Neck
- GD: Graham Dombkins
- GP: Gregg Primm
- GT: Garrick Twinney
- IED: Andrew Marvick
- JAC: James Alexander Chokey
- JC: John Copeland
- JL: John Light
- KLN: Karen L. Newcombe
- KO: Kathleen Ostridge
- LB: Len Bullard
- MD: Michael Doerr
- MR: Marcel Rijs
- MT: Meredith Tarr
- NB: Norman Buchwald
- PC: Peter Chow
- RG: Ronald Girardin
- RH: Ron Hill
- RMC: Robb McCaffree
- RP: Rolf Peukert
- SB: Steve Berlin
- SMC: Stuart M. Castergine
- SW: Stephen Wiener
- SZ: Steve ZPJ
- TC: The Crow
- TC2: Tippi Chai
- VM: Vickie Mapes
- W: Willtre
- WW: Wieland Willker
- YS: Yamamoto Sozo