Kate Bush FAQ


4. Kate Bush Info


4.8. Fanzines


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After being on Love-Hounds for a few months, most fans find the fanzines rarely have information they have not already heard. The most common fanzines are the Kate Bush Club (KBC) and Homeground. More about these and other fanzines can be found in "The Garden". See section 4.5 for details.


Kate Bush Club (KBC):

The KBC unfortunately only seems to come now when there is a new album out, but is always worth the wait as it has original articles by Kate and her family and lots of great photos.

PO Box 120
Welling, Kent, DA16 3DS

There is an edition of the fanzine for The Red Shoes, send an SASE (self addressed and stamped envelope) or a SAE & IRC (self addressed envelope & international reply coupon) to the KBC for information, or 6 pounds sterling (Europe rate, cash or British currency cheque, Euro cheque in Pounds is ok) or US$14 (US dollar cheques or US currency) to get a copy of the magazine which includes about 20 colour photos. (Disclamer: I do not know whether the 'zine is still available or not.)

The KBC also sends out short information sheets (just a photocopied DIN A4 page) more or less regularly. To get these, send an SA[S]E marked with the current SAE number (currently SAE 12) to the KBC. Don't expect too much if there's not a new album or a convention around.



Homeground comes out almost regularly and has news, great articles, stories, and drawings.

PO Box 176
Orpington, Kent, BR5 3NA


Never For Ever

Never For Ever is another long-established fanzine. It has been dormant for the last year or so and will unfortunately soon cease to exist.

28 Millbrook Street

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