* * DREAMING * *

A 'Best of' Love-Hounds Collection


E1 - History of Kate Bush

Kate Tidbits/Gossip Pt. 2


[Be careful, several things in this part are gossip! Don't take everything too serious! --WIE]

Back to Dreaming E. MisK


Date: Tue, 23 Jul 1991 23:55:27 -0800
From: rhill@pnet01.cts.com (Ronald Hill)
Subject: Kate's DID

Kate's DIDs:


























Time Bandits

Don't Look Now

Night of the Demon [U.S. TITLE: CURSE OF THE DEMON]

Barry Lyndon



To Kill a Mockingbird

The Empire Strikes Back


From: samsung!bsbbs!robyn@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Tracy Robyn Somervill)
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1991 07:03:57 -0700
Subject: Kate and British Rail

KATE, the Dutch fanzine, Aug. 91, is of course all Dutch!!! All photos taken from the KBC magazine. There is however one interesting bit that I found amusing. Apparently British Rail has put out a new poster and has used Kate Bush as the subject. The photo is of a small girl in Kate's "Wuthering Heights" costume from the 1979 tour and it says the following:

"Kate Bush branches out for (one pound)1.

Before they got their Family Railcard, Mr. and Mrs. Bush and their little girl were firmly rooted to their own home town. But now they're planning to tour the country, with Katherine and up to three of her friends going anywhere they like and back for just (one pound)1 each. The Railcard only costs (pounds)20 for a year. Yet it also gives up to 4 grown-ups at least a quarter off most rail fares as well. For details, pick up a leaflet from any main British Rail station or your nearest Rail Appointed Travel Agent."

It's WONDERFUL! I would love to get a copy of the poster. Well, I suppose I've gone on for long enough so I'll sign off for now. All the Best,



Date: Sat, 12 Oct 1991 17:27:42 -0700
From: ed@wente.llnl.gov (Ed Suranyi)
Subject: Kate placed a half-page ad in Billboard!

This week's Billboard (Oct. 12) has a special advertising supplement celebrating the 60th anniversary of Abbey Road Studios. On page AR-3, Kate placed a half-page ad! It reads, in full:






No record company logos or anything else, so it looks like she really did place the ad!

A couple of pages later there's a small picture of Kate with this caption:

"It was a very magical experience. I felt tremendous vibes in there, both positive and negative. You know it's built on ley lines, which means there are very powerful forces at work."


Does anyone have any idea what she means by that "ley lines" comment?



From: amadeus@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Susan Harwood Kaczmarczik)
Subject: Ley lines (was Re: Kate placed a half-page ad...)
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 1991 17:46:46 -0700

> Does anyone have any idea what she means by that "ley lines" comment?

I do, I do, says the Witch who's a Love-hound. Ley lines might best be described as the nervous and circulatory system of the planet. Back when peoples were still in tune with the Earth and her cycles, temples and sacred sites were built in accordance with ley lines, where they lay (ahem) in the Earth. Stonehenge, for example, is placed on ley lines.

None of these temples, et cetera, were placed randomly. Ley lines had a large part to do with where they were placed (and to be truthful, a lot to do with where some early churches were placed too). As Kate said, very powerful forces at work.


From: toby@cs.man.ac.uk (Toby Howard)
Subject: Re: Kate placed a half-page ad in Billboard!
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 1991 02:40:42 -0700

A leyline is a stupid pseudoscientic concept. The idea is that there are channels of energy in the earth that cross the planet is straight lines. Scientific instruments can't detect them. You have to be a "sensitive" -- a dowser or pendulum wielder etc. Leylines? Bollocks.



Date: Mon, 14 Oct 1991 07:06:48 -0700
From: barger@aristotle.ils.nwu.edu (Jorn Barger)
Subject: Re: Kate placed a half-page ad in Billboard!

Ah, now here's a thread I can sink my teeth into. "Stupid and pseudo-scientific" huh? And how many experiments have you done? So whose opinion are you parroting? And how many experiments did they do?

I despise the "scientifically correct" (SC) approach to what classes of event are allowed to be considered in our universe. It's based on a miniscule success in analysing objects' physical behavior, and claims to be able to generalize from that success to absolute certainty about what's possible in psychology and every other realm.

It isn't even good physics, usually, because good physics is wide open right now as to what macro-level implications quantum mechanics may have.

So keep an open mind, please?


Date: Thu, 7 May 1992 23:50:00 -0700
From: fiona mcquarrie@mts.ucs.ualberta.ca
Subject: KT Bush Band

Finally, I found the Q Magazine supplement with the picture of the KT Bush Band. The photo is credited to "Vic King". The caption says it was taken in 1977, when Kate Bush was 19, at the Rose and Lee pub in Lewisham.

Fiona McQuarrie


From: Scott Telford <s.telford@ed.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1992 02:51:54 -0700
Subject: My favourite KaTe-quotes....

Well, I've finally read through both volumes of "The First Twelve Years", so I thought you might like to see some of the more, erm, interesting quotes by KaTe from the interviews reproduced therein....

"Some lyrics take a long time to come, others just come out like... like... diarrhoea." [Record Mirror, 1978]

[About the Bio's Bahnhof TV show] "For 'Wuthering Heights' we had backdrops which helped to set the scene. All those black rolling hills with lightning bolts painted in and in the middle of it all this dirty great big volcano!" [Record Mirror, 1978]

[About KaTe's sexuality and the TKI cover art with KaTe's legs prominently displayed] "The picture is creating a feeling of flying and movement. If you're up in the sky you're gonna be free. It would look a bit wierd if I had a dirty great black serge coat on." [1978]

"But even if your work is so important to you, it's not actually your life. It's only part of your life, so if your work goes you're still a human being. You're still living, you can always get a job in Woolworths or something." [Harry Doherty interview, Melody Maker,1978]

"I wonder if really beautiful punk groups [...] I wonder if they think I'm...not so much square...ah..square, sort of oblong" [Harry Doherty interview, Melody Maker,1978]

[About the Tour of Life plans - at that time very secret] "I *know* you want to know. But how can I start? If I tell you one thing it'll give everything away. It'll bugger everything up!" [John Shearlaw interview, 1978]

[About tabloid newspapers] "Hmmm. Y'see, you do a very straight interview with these people without ever mentioning sex, but of course that's the only angle they write it from when you read it. That kind of freaks me out because the public tend to believe it...." [NME, 1979]

[About TV news] "Well whenever I see the news it's always the same depressing things. Wars, hostages and people's arms hanging off with all the tendons hanging out, y'know. So I tend not to watch it much." [NME, 1979]

[About taking a break in 1980] "It wasn't really as if I was missing out on normality, I'd rather hang on to madness than normality anyway, so it was more like recharging." [1980]

"There will always be some who are irritated by me. I seem to irritate a lot of people, and in a way that's quite a good thing." [1980]

[About The Dreaming album] "But I think a load of people won't like it. They probably won't understand what it's about." [1982]

[About "All the Love"] "I think All the Love definitely says something ...not necessarily the negative side of me but the self-pitying side. The way you look at human beings and yourself and think we're just a heap of shit. If we weren't so scared of saying what we meant it would be so much better.[...] It's just a terrible feeling, the thought of people having gone without the right amount of feedback. I think that really fucks people up." [1982]

[Interviewer: "I think [your music] is extremely sophisticated."] "Do you? Sophisiticated. Well, I'd rather you said that than turd-like." [1982]

"I have a lot of vivid dreams, most of which I can't mention." [1985]

[About recording vocals] "... the hardest thing for me is to be able to feel relaxed enough to be uninhibited. So sometimes I do get a just a little drunk - and other times I like to do them with Del because I feel much more relaxed than if there's an outside engineer there..."

[Interviewer: "Can I assume you're pissed out of your head on 'Big Sky', on the new album?"]

"Yes, I might be getting drunk on that one - the ad-libs on the end, that was where I had to get drunk. And definitely on 'Waking the Witch' - I was very drunk doing that." [Peter Swales interview, 1985]

[About the favourable US reviews of The Dreaming] "...it seems American reviewers take their writing more seriously as a creative form than in this country." [Peter Swales interview, 1985]

[About albums] "I would never break a promise. But I would like to say that the next one should be a lot quicker." [Peter Swales interview, 1985]

"I'm left alone to work on albums. If there was any outside pressure I'd completely go under and probably have to be put away in an institution somewhere." [1989]

"It's very important to try and learn to love people as much as you can but we all get so scared. It's only when people are at a point in their lives when they get such shocks that they take it as it really should be. The rest of us just seem to piss about!" [1989]

[About Deeper Undertanding] "I dont have a downer on computers at all. I think they're really good and very important" [Raw, 1989]

[About Love and Anger] "Really, it was a bugger, that song. And in some ways I *still* don't know what I'm wanting to say. But what the hell...." [Raw, 1989]

"The fact is that the last time I toured was ten years ago, yet people are *still* asking me whether I'm going to tour again. Why on Earth haven't they given up? Why are they so patient with me? Why do they even care?" [Raw, 1989]

[About being a sex-symbol] "I don't know really. I'm just small and ridiculous! How people see me is up to them, it's not my problem." [1989]

"There's some really bad stuff happening in pop music, isn't there?" [1989]


From: nbc@inf.rl.ac.uk
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1992 05:51:52 -0700
Subject: Possible Kate Appearance

According to next week's Radio Times, as part of the National Music Day celebrations, Kate Bush will join the Great Elastic Band on Clapham Common (London). This is billed as the gathering of Britain's largest band, incorporating famous names and orchestras from the world of jazz, pop and classical music, both amateur and professional in a cornucopia of common-interest enthusiasts.

BBC 1 has a programme on the event at 12 noon on Sunday 28th June (National Music Day). No other details but they do print a small colour photo of Kate peering round a tree. Neil


From: nbc@inf.rl.ac.uk
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 92 10:14:19 BST
Subject: Another Kate disappointment

I am sorry to have to report that Kate did not make an appearance on BBC-1 on Sunday as billed in the Radio Times. In fact, there was no mention of her at all. The event which was part of the National Music Day was something of a flop all round, judging by the number of people who turned up (despite the presence of Mick Jagger backstage).

The Great Elastic Band featured no-one more famous than Pat Cash, Screaming Lord Sutch and the Irish singer who won the Eurovision Song Contest! Along with assorted orchestras, marhing bands and amateur musicians they attempted to play "With a Little Help from my Friends" - Mick Jagger wisely decided not to join in. Whether Kate ever planned to attend or whether the Radio Times cocked it up is open to question.

So added the fact that there was no new Kate music in the TV special "The Last Show on Earth" last month, it has been a month of raised and dashed hopes in the Kate world. Such is the fate of all bushaholics.

Apologies for raising hopes of a Kate sighting.



From: Scott Telford <s.telford@ed.ac.uk>
Date: Sat, 4 Apr 1992 06:58:25 -0800
Subject: KT and the British National Party

Kate has some unpleasant neighbours....

We got several general election leaflets delivered yesterday, including one from the British National Party (a fascist neo-nazi political party). Apparently the BNP HQ is in "Upper Wickham Lane, Welling, Kent". Doesn't sound a million miles away from East Wickham Farm, does it? And their PO Box seems to be at the same post office as the KBC's.....


From: nbc@inf.rl.ac.uk
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 92 15:28:39 BST
Subject: Gered Mankowitz Exhibition

> From: Scott Telford <s.telford@ed.ac.uk>

> PS. Also in RC is an item about an exhibition Gered Mankowitz is putting on at the Cromwell & Ward Gallery in London this month. The article implies that some of his work with KaTe will be there ...

There is also something in the October issue of Q magazine about this exhibition. Below a picture of the leotard shot is the following text:

"It's a beautiful and very successful image in a very commercial world," says Gered Mankowitz of the controversial 1978 shot which introduced Kate Bush to a startled British public and now re-emerges as one of the star turns in his exhibition at the Cormweel and Ward gallery, dean Street, London, Sept 14-27. "I thought Wuthering Heights was a record people would want to hear again because they couldn't believe their ears, so I wanted to give them a picture they would want to see again because they couldn't believe their eyes. Kate was totally happy with the session at the time. I gather later on she came to feel it was a bit sexist, but I still think it's an entirely appropriate way to present a genuinely beautiful woman. Of course, the way the poster designers cropped the picture just below the nipples wasn't accidental and did no harm to the impact it made."


Date: 31 Oct 1992 07:27:50 -0500 (EST)
From: peter@bsbbs.columbus.oh.us (Peter FitzGerald-Morr)
Subject: KT and Bush

Dear Friends,

One matter which stirred little interest when we mentioned it in HOMEGROUND some time ago was the possible family link between Kate and the other Bush (13th cousin to the Queen) that resides currently in the White House. No - seriously! In 1988 you see, at the time of George Bush's election the usual people over here did the usual geealogical research and came up with the following facts: in 1631 Reynold Bush (George's direct ancestor) emigrated to the Massachussets colony with a group of fellow puritans.

Reynold Bush's family came from the parish of Messing in the English county of Essex (where there are records of the family name back to 1391). The village of Messing is just 8 miles from the village of Pebmarsh. Kate's direct ancestors (documented - at least according to Fred Vermorel - and in this connection I think we can trust his research - back to the 11th century) came from the village of Pebmarsh. Sadly no-one has done any research to discover if there is a common ancestor.


From: fsanf@calvin.usc.edu (Frank San Filippo)
Date: 9 Dec 1993 12:30:53 -0800
Subject: Peter Gabriel on Prodigy

Thought y'all might be interested in this, from someone's transcript of PG's session on Prodigy this week. There's a lot of speculation on alt.music.peter-gabriel regarding whether these 2 were ever 'involved'. I must say the level of discussion on gaffa is much higher, if a little overly reverent at times. :)

-- fsanf@calvin.usc.edu




will you be working with her again.... you sound great together!

cathy vvxa46a




Hello Cathy: I have no plans to work with Kate Bush. I actually bumped into her in a restaurant last night, she was sitting at the table next to us, and I hadn't seen her for 3 years. So, there's nothing planned but I really enjoy her work and if something comes up I'm sure we could do something again in the future.

Peter Gabriel


From: Scott Telford <s.telford@ed.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 1994 13:46:08 GMT
Subject: Kate in "Rich Women" article

Don't think anybody else has posted this - the Jan 2 edition of The Mail on Sunday's "Femail" section had a survey on the highest paid women in Britain, with a run-down of the top 80 and estimated income for 1993. It was compiled by a Hugh Sebag-Montefiore, but it doesn't go into detail on his sources.

Kate is listed as number 26 with an income of L500k and "overall fortune estimated at L5 million" (after Enya, L4 million due to "huge earnings in America" - since when was Enya British anyway? 8-), Annie Lennox, L3.1 million, Cathy Dennis, L2.1 million and Siobhan Fahey of Shakespear Sister, L700k).


From: ***SEMPSY*** <cmh205@cck.coventry.ac.uk>
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 94 10:44:39 GMT
Subject: Bjork

Apparently Bjork asked Kate to do a duet with her at the Brit awards, but Kate declined due to being out of the country.


Date: Mon, 28 Mar 1994 13:24:31 +119304228 (AST)
From: Fiona McQuarrie <fmcquarr@upei.ca>
Subject: Daniel Lanois

Amazingly enough, there was a small wire story about Kate in our local paper this weekend. They employ meatcutters for editors there so it was kind of hard to follow, but the part that survived :) was about her trip to Tunis with Daniel Lanois. It said she is planning to incorporate some of the music they recorded there on her next record. No word on the baby though....


Date: Mon, 28 Mar 94 19:40 CST
From: chrisw@fciad2.bsd.uchicago.edu (chris williams)
Subject: Re: Daniel Lanois

It would be interesting to hear if this is real, if Kate is planning to hire Daniel Lanois as a producer/co-producer on her next record. He has worked well with Peter Gabriel, and Kate may well benefit from a sensitive co-producer. At a minimum, it might help her get a record out a bit quicker. But why do people insist on attempting to romanticly link her with every single male she has ever had contact with?


From: btshelp@zeus.tamu.edu (Evolve or Perish)
Date: 29 Mar 1994 07:48 CDT
Subject: Re: Kate Pregnant?!?!?!?!

Well, I don't about the Super Dave part, but Lanois *is* headed to Tunis. Mansour Seck just left Mango Records for RealWorld, and his new album is being recorded in Tunis rather than Gabriel's studio. Lanois is producing, and the interview I read with him mentioned that he was taking a "friend" down with him who might show up on the record.


From: Craig Heath <craig@sco.COM>
Date: Mon, 9 May 94 13:35:18 BST
Subject: Paddy Bush's birthday

Since nobody seemed to know when Paddy's birthday was, when I asked here a while ago, I asked the man himself yesterday [at the Convention]; it's the 9th of December, if anyone's interested.

Incidentally, I can recommend giving his new CD "Skyscraping" a try. I bought it on spec, and it's not at all what I expected; as Paddy said to me "it's not _too_ folky" - if you can imagine an acoustic version of Tangerine Dream, it's a bit like that.


Date: Mon, 16 May 94 21:06 CDT
From: chrisw@fciad2.bsd.uchicago.edu (chris williams)
Subject: gravestone?

Marcel writes:

>The park where those clips were filmed is called "De Efteling". Please, write it down, memorize it, delete wrong spellings in books like the Visual Documentary (which is otherwise a pretty good publication) and remember that name. Need I remind you this park is the world's best amusement park in the world, even knocking Disney World (...that's the right spelling, right?) off that top spot.

We will try. BTW, I understand that Kate's visit was commemerated with a new gravestone. Is this true, and would it be possible to get a photograph of it? It would be a fun item to have.


Date: Wed, 18 May 94 23:28 CDT
From: chrisw@fciad2.bsd.uchicago.edu (chris williams)
Subject: re: In Her Free Time

Stephen Golden asks:

>So we all know Kate likes to take her time between albums, and she doesn't tour, and she does very little publicity... So what does she do with all of her free time? Does she have any hobbies to keep her busy? Is she recording her own music for private consumption and experimentation?

As near as we can tell, she is quite fond of taking long holidays and has several different vacation residences. She doesn't work continuiously on her albums, taking long breaks to re-charge. Many of her non-work interests have made their way into her work;

Her interest in various religious beliefs on _The Kick Inside_ She had just learned to roller-skate at the time of _Sat In Your Lap_ She was into archery at the time of _Running Up The Hill_ She is a major film fan, going out to the cinema and renting loads of videos, and this inspired several songs. She does go to concerts, seeing Stevie Wonder inspired _Sat In Your Lap_

She also enjoys cooking, cleaning (really!) and most importantly gardening. One interview made quite a bit of the "herbacious border" around her garden (an apparent reference to her rumored enjoyment of smokable herbs.)

Basically, she is a person with a life outside her work and the capacity to enjoy a light level of activity. She has friends outside of music (one KBC newsletter refered to a phone call from a friend at the Hare Krishna Temple.) She doesn't *have* to work, she doesn't even have to release albums. One estimate had her as the seventh or eighth richest woman in England.


Date: 12 Aug 94 15:13:13 EDT
From: Marcel Rijs <100276.2176@compuserve.com>
Subject: De Efteling gravestone

Hi, I hear the Efteling special is included on the Love-Hounds collection! Now that's good news - the copy I have isn't all that good.

Anyway, some readers on this list may remember the discussion weeks ago about the Efteling, and the fact that there would be a gravestone to commemorate Kate's appearance on the grounds of this park. Well, I called back to them and got the following information:

"Although a few people still recall the appearance and recording of this special, nothing is known about a commemorative gravestone. We have to assume there is none."

So there you have it. The passage in "Kate Bush complete" and "The garden" should read:

"[April 1978]

[...] Kate makes a 25 minute television special at De Efteling in Kaatsheuvel, a fairy theme park. She also performs on the VOOR DE VUIST WEG TV programme."


From: s0pdfm@assam.exnet.com (P D Fitzgerald-Morris)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 1994 23:43:12 GMT
Subject: Re: Knights Templar (KT)

WretchAwry writes:

>Gord writes:

>> My understanding (I don't know where the heck I heard this--probably here on this list) is that when Kate was a young'un she found an old shack or something in the woods (??) that had that symbol on it (grafitti). Since it looked like `KT' kinda-sorta, she adopted it as her symbol.

On an old church apparently. Johns Carder Bush explained its significance.

For the connection (?) between the Knights Templar and the freemasons I recomend "Born in Blood" by John J Robinson, which I found quite convincing.


From: Scott Telford <s.telford@ed.ac.uk>
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 17:33:45 GMT
Subject: Kate at Floyd backstage party

Last week (Wed, I think) there was a bit in the gossip column of the Daily Express newspaper about a substantial apres-gig party (fairground rides, the works) held by Pink Floyd after one of their London concerts. A number of somewhat famous people turned up, including, it was claimed, Kate. See, she *does* go to parties....


Date: Fri, 3 Mar 1995 12:15:56 -0500 (EST)
From: "Brian J Dillard" <dillardb@student.msu.edu>
Subject: kate's pension

in the new Q magazine (April 95) there is an article called "Ker-Ching" that looks at how much rock stars make, etc. Under the sub-heading: "Kate Bush's Pension Plan":

"Pensions are a serios business for pop stars. They get lots of money when they're young and not so much probably when they're old, unless they've put a lot of their income into pensions. Pensions also happen to be a good way of saving tax and preserving wealth for the future at the same time. Kate Bush makes huge pension contributions. In 1992, for example, she paid herself &130,000 in fees but her total pension contributions were &223,000. In 1989 she'd put &476,000 into the pension fund.But last year she stopped. She'd probably over-funded it. There's only so much you can put into a pension fund. The money she's put in will have saved her a third in tax, so rather than pay away that money, given the fact that she doesn't need it, she'd say, OK, I'll put it into the pension. She could retire at 50, or 45, and by that time she'd have a few million pounds in the fund, so that'll do nicely for the rest of her life. She wouldn't have to perform again--not that she does anyway, haha!"

all quotes courtesy of the guy who wrote the book that the article draws from. It goes on a bit and lists Kate's pension payments 1985-1992, which total close to a million and a half pounds as of 1992. . . . yeesh! i think this sheds some light on an earlier thread, months old now, about kate vs. tori and record sales and blah blah blah . . . . the old gel is doing ok for herself. . . . . not madonna, but who'd want to be?!


From: Garrick Twinney <G.Twinney@plymouth.ac.uk>
Date: 1 Sep 95 13:02:36 GMT
Subject: October 1995 'Q' Magazine.


A couple of 'Kate spots' in this month's 'Q' magazine. Details follow.

Sir Cliff Richard, Kate Bush, Lisa Stansfield, Sting, Elton John, Pet Shop Boys and Seal have signed a leather-bound edition of The Guinness Book Of Hit Singles to be auctioned by Sotheby's on September 13 and 14, celebrating the publication's 10th edition. Proceeds to The Terrence Higgins Trust, Lord's Taverners and Roy Castle Cancer Appeal.

Wait, there's more.

'Q' asked readers to write and tell them about records that changed their lives. Kate, of course, got a mention.


Kate Bush The Hounds Of Love

Studying for accountancy exams in the summer of 1990, 25-year-old David Mayall was getting himself in a panic. It's the night before the exam, and he has avoided all notions of study for much of the year, and so is in the midst of a desperate all-night cram. Cole's Notes on Corporation Supertax staring him the face, he devises a plan. "I decided I would have a blitz for half an hour or so and then completely freak out to some very loud music for 10 minutes to help bash it into my brain." The track he chose was Kate Bush's The Hounds Of Love, mainly because "the howl in the chorus just seemed to work for me at the time". Every half an hour, he would take to his balcony and let rip. It worked. He passed. It changed his life. "Unfortuantly. So I've got a very dull job now. Thanks a bunch, Kate."


Date: Fri, 15 Sep 1995 07:42:40 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Stuart M. Castergine" <scasterg@cd.columbus.oh.us>
Subject: Del and Kate

After the alleged breakup was big news on r.m.g, Kate did a signing at Tower Records in NYC and Del was there. Some fan (identify yourself if you're still here) was standing with Del and talking to him during part of the signing, and when Del turned to tell Kate something, he called her "Puddin'."

:-) Ok, hardly ironclad evidence, but I've broken up with women before and remained friends and associates and I wouldn't go around calling one of them Puddin' after the fact.... Not that I called any of 'em Puddin' before, but you know what I mean.


From: Garrick Twinney <G.Twinney@plymouth.ac.uk>
Date: 18 Sep 95 15:01:19 GMT
Subject: 'The Reading Standard' July 20 1995

Hi all.

Sorry this is so long after the event, a photocopy of the article only recently landed on my doorstep and it took me a while to get around to typing it up. This combined with a weeks worth of Kate partys all around this land :)

'The Reading Standard' July 20 1995


Singer Kate Bush has splashed out 750,000 ukp on a secret dream home near Reading, it was revealed in the Reading Evening Post.

The star has brought up a 14-bedroom mansion, which has been empty for the last 15 years, on the leafy outskirts of the town.

Sources told the Post the 37-year-old performer, who leapt to fame with the chart hit Wuthering Heights in 1978, planned to spend another 2m ukp on doing up the property.

The house is believed to have previously been owned by an Arab sheik who used the property to store his collection of carpets, worth thousands of pounds.

Kate has visited the house several times in the last few months, to see how builders are getting on with converting the 160-year-old listed building.

One source said at one point workmen had slung a 60,000 ukp Persian carpet into a builder's skip, thinking it was worthless rubbish.

He said: "The property has been left empty for some time and needs a lot of work on it. The building is listed so they are waiting for planning permission before they can carry out a lot of the work. It will be another six months before anyone can move in."

He said the house also contained a rare English oak-panelled floor, worth more than 20,000 ukp.

The star is not the first pop talent to have lived in the area.

One neighbour confided: "I am not surprised really. I'm not sure why but we've had quite a few famous musicians living around here. Lyn Paul from the New Seekers used to live next door for several years - her parents were very nice and always passed the time of day."

Members of other sixties bands have also been former residents.

Another neighbour said: "It is a lovely house. My family have lived here for years and my mother used to work for some of the previous owners. We have heard rumours for months but I am not that bothered really - although I admit I am a fan of her music I don't think we will be seeing much of her."

Reclusive Kate's present home is a farm in North Kent where she lives with members of her family.


I hope that this is of some interest to someone. The neighbour who admits to being a fan of her music makes it sound like some kind of crime to be a fan. Be proud to be a fan and shout it from the roof-tops, well, at least wear your r.m.g t-shirt with pride!

--Garrick Twinney


From: btd@carina.cray.com (Bryan Dongray)
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 1995 00:26:52 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: New Home for Kate

> Where is Reading? I wonder what a single gal shall do with such a large abode? Perhaps, one day she will have a party and invite all of us who have loved her music for so long.

I can tell you where Reading is, about 40 miles due west of central London. Population about 100,000 (a guess), sort of around the area where many computer companies have located in the UK, if a 40 mile area can be considered to be close.

Reading is famous for being where Brunell built a railway station out of London on its way out west, as a result the railway track is quite straight and the trains do a nice 125 miles per hour, in good comfort.

Many people who live in Reading, do so they can take the train directly to London in a relatively quick time (daily). It has the advantage of being relatively close to the countryside too, depending on where you live (of course).

Peronsally I cannot see Kate living "in" Reading, it'll probably be in one of the many small villages outside of Reading, which mostly have the big houses and excellent surrounding countryside.

The quote mentioned her moving away from her family, with a 14 bedroom house (of which some will probably become part of her studio/sound rooms - my guess), I could imagine that Paddy might live somewhere nearby, to keep the flow of new instruments on Kates albums.

I used to live in Camberley (about 14 miles SE of Reading), and with the M25 on a good day you can get to North Kent (where I used to live before Camberley, and my brother still does) in about an hour or so, it's just 68 miles. So from Reading maybe 90 minutes to 2 hours (on a bad day), not *really* that far away from her family. Maybe I've got used to distances here in the USA (where I now live). I guess that is far enough to not have them on the doorstep, but not too far to visit for the weekend, and easy for birthdays, Christmas, etc.

Bryan Dongray


Date: Tue, 19 Sep 95 05:45 CDT
From: chrisw@fciad2.bsd.uchicago.edu (chris williams)
Subject: Kate's new home (was: Re: UK Kate spot...again.)

May I be the first to say -


This is exactly what we didn't need to hear! (sorry that you were the bearer of bad tidings Garrick.)

Anyone remember the *last* time Kate moved? The insanely long period of building a new studio? Do you think she's going to commute from Berkshire to Kent every day to use the tiny old studio behind East Wickham Farm?

Let's see...first she has to get the house in order...as it's a historic house everything takes twice as long...double that for "kate-time"...then she has to build the new studio...then she has to get the new garden in... that'll take at least a year...

Well, looks like a new album around 2000.

Chris Williams of Chris'n'Vickie of Chicago


From: btd@carina.cray.com (Bryan Dongray)
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 1995 13:14:32 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Kates new house

Hi all,

The original posting about Kates new house said it to be an existing house, a listed building too, which will (depending on the level of preservation on it) mean that not much alteration will be allowed, at least not exterior-wise. I could imagine a studio will possibly be part of the internal changes though, although at the (lack of) speed of building approval departments in the UK, we should blame them if Kates next album is not on her settling in on the 4 year release schedule (ie Nov 97).

Bryan Dongray

PS For those who may not know "Reading" is pronounced "redding", and the county "Berkshire" is pronounced "bark-sheer".


Date: Wed, 27 Sep 95 17:32:56 EST
From: <bretthar@BoM.GOV.AU> (Brett Harris)
Subject: Cathy in Canberra???

Hi KaTeFans,

I heard an interesting rumour today. I had to get a NTSC to PAL conversion of the latest Lovehounds tape as I am the local tape tree node. When I went to the video conversion place to pick up my tape, the guy that did the copying, after commenting how interesting the tape was, said that he mentioned the tape to a friend, and that friend said he had heard a rumour that Kate had gone to school for a few months in Canberra! I know that she visited Australia with her parents when she was young, but I didnt know she stayed for that long.

Does anyone else know about this???

Brett Harris Bureau of Meteorology Canberra AUSTRALIA


Date: Wed, 27 Sep 1995 22:00:00
From: Peter Fitzgerald-Morris <pfm@glass.jecsystems.com>
Subject: Reading and Righting

Hello Friends,

HOMEGROUND 56 should be finished in a few days time, and hopefully out by mid-October.

Regarding the business about Kate supposedly moving to Reading. I ought to say that there is no confirmation of this at all. In fact we at HOMEGROUND are rather skeptical. We've seen many media stories about Kate get going and acquire great detail, only to turn out to be completely without foundation. This may be one of them. I hope we might have some information either way fairly shortly, and I'll let you know.

Regarding Colin Lloyd Tucker's new album, "Songs of Life Love and Liquid" I can definitely say that Kate is not on the album, and that the flyer from Humbug records is inaccurate. Krys spoke to Colin this week and he has sent us a copy of the CD. Paddy is on the album!


Date: Wed, 06 Sep 1995 11:12:53 -0100
From: willker@chemie.uni-bremen.de (Wieland Willker)
Subject: Maureen revealed

Hello friends,

Maureen is indeed KaTe's aunt!

In Jan 1994 Yamamoto Sazo posted this for the first time as an information given in the Japanese fanclub letter "Lionheart". But IED was not completely satisfied, if it was true.

So, yesterday I got a letter from a friend in Richmond, England. He wrotes:

"Her mother, Hannah Daly came from a village in Eire called Dungarvan in County Waterford. As a child KaTe used to visit her Auntie Maureen there. I just found this out this morning, because I have a signed photo of KaTe on my office wall. A member of my staff recognized the photo and said she had met KaTe as a child, as she grew up in this same village of Dungarvan. Everybody there was very surprised, when KaTe became famous! It's a small world, isn't it?"

Best wishes



From: chrisw@miso.wwa.com (Chris Williams)
Date: Sat, 07 Oct 95 01:00:16 GMT
Subject: her personality

> And finnaly Kate is an Extrovert...Kate is a Leo, that meens Flamboyant and Showey. Have you Seen live at Hammersmith Oden?? :)

The much-maligned Fred Vermoral books actually have some very interesting suppositions about Kate's personality. The general impression from his interviews with her old schoolmates and friends is of an *introvert*.

Fred was of the opinion that *Kate* Bush is a creation of *Catherine* Bush, a painfully shy, quiet person. My own opinion is that Kate's talent was/is so great that it practically forced her into the limelight. One of the most constant themes in interviews is her belief that "the music is the most important thing" that it should speak for it's self. Her original intention was to simply be a songwriter, that she had no great desire to be a performer.

Believe in astrology grants one an amazingly flexibile interpetive technique. If the person does not fit the inane idea that everyone on earth can fit into one of a dozen types...well, they just claim that some additional data is needed. "Of, of *course*! She has a greebtharb rising!" (or some such.) Such nonsense may have had some useful purpose in a simple farming society, but it's just silly now.

> You will neaver see Kate with a man who isnt very handsom, and she rarely plays things down.

Um...sorry, but you *really* don't know much about Kate. She has been with the same guy for many years. Del is a very nice guy with a great sense of humor, but..."very handsome"? As a hetrosexual male I'm a lousy judge of male attractiveness but I've *never* heard anyone, female or male describe Del as a hunk.

As for "playing things down"...you just described an aspect of practically every interview with her. She is *very* British.

> I think a lot of people loive Kate so much that they want to belive her like themselves.

Well, this is a moment of personal clarity.

> I just like who she shows me she is.

Please read as many interviews as possible. She is a far more complex person than you apparently see.

Chris Williams


Date: Mon, 9 Oct 95 22:07 CDT
From: chrisw@miso.wwa.com (Chris Williams)
Subject: her names

> I think this is a fascinating topic. The amazing persona seen in some of the videos is so different to the Kate we see in interviews. Is *Kate* Bush a real person - or is she a creation of *Catherine* ?

> Does anyone actually know what her friends and family call her?? Has she actually changed her name offically?

She has used three names: Cathy, Catherine and Kate. Her brother John's book "Cathy" was the planned first of three books to match the changes in her chosen name. Presumably, the "Cathy" photos cover the period when she was using that name. She later decided to use the complete version "Catherine." I'm not sure when the transition to "Kate" happened. As far as we know, none of the changes have been "official," just a person chosing to use a shorter form of their name.

We have heard her brothers John and Paddy refer to her as "Kate." I can't recall her mother or father using her name in the only interview either of them participated in. Del is on record calling her "puddin'."

She and Paddy were apparently quite fond of making up silly names for play when they were kids. Some of these have popped up. Once, when she was asked "what is your favorite cover of one of your songs" in the (no longer published) Kate Bush Club Newsletter, she replied:

"Poor Old Flea by Madame Maria Nanky"

I assume that this was one of Kate's play names.

The editor of the KBC Newsletter was a a person named "Nicholas Wade." Mr. Wade's existence has never been comfirmed. Presumably, if he exists we might have heard *something* from or about him in all these years.

The newsletter also featured stories by one "Enrico Baratta" (sp?). We have no idea who Enrico was either, but his profile can be spotted in the "Experiment IV" video.

The people who can explain all this ain't talking.


From: IEDSRI@aol.com
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 04:38:27 -0400
Subject: Katenames, etc.

Chris excellently collects Kate names, and writes:

> I assume that this was one of Kate's play names.

IED also recommends one Auntie Hetty (sp.?), of erstwhile KBCN fame, for admission to Chris's inventory of Kate's pseudonyms. And there must have been still others from that august and much mourned publication.

-- Andrew Marvick (IED)


Date: Sat, 21 Oct 1995 21:25:00
From: Peter Fitzgerald-Morris <pfm@glass.jecsystems.com>
Subject: Reading

Hello All,

As I said earlier, I hoped I'd be able to clarify the newspaper story about Kate moving to a new house in Reading Berks.

It seems that it is true. At least to the extent that Kate has bought the property, and is engaged in the process of having it altered to suit her needs, including the addition of another wing to accomodate the studio.

But the final date of moving is not fixed, and apparently not yet in sight. There's a lot to do!

I said before that we at HOMEGROUND didn't rate this story. Now that we find it is true, we're just a little worried at what it means.


From: Lance Day <lday@access.digex.net>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 1995 15:38:28 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: East Wickham Photos

> BTW, anyone out there that has photos of East Wickham that they are willing to scan and send to us could really help out.

I'm not sure if I have what you're looking for, but I've scanned a few of the photos I have and put them on my web page which can be found at


These were all taken in August last year ('94) while my company (yes, the whole company) was on a business trip to the parent company in the UK.

(Mind you, the 'whole company' at that point was represented by myself and two of the guys in one of the photos. Jason, the one wearing the orange Bjork t-shirt (of all things!) wasn't with the company; he just came along for the beer!)

The photos themselves are very sharp and clear, despite what the scans look like. I just got the scanner (a cheap one at that) and haven't quite figured out how to get the best results from it yet, so give me some Slack, please.

Anyway, one of the things that I thought very odd (and failed to photograph) was the presence of round, black charred areas along the path leading up to the fence on the back side of the farm.

At first, we dismissed the idea that ordinary fires had been set there, knowing instead that they were the remains of Kate-fans that had spontaneously burst into flames from the sheer excitement of being so close to where Kate had been.

After some reflection however, I'm glad that Kate herself wasn't in residence on the day we came to slink around her back gate.

I've come to the conclusion that the aforementioned Kate-fans had been dealt a far more sinister fate.

You see, as it turns out, in the shed by the house where the Cloudbusting machine is kept, there's also another, more nefarious contraption: The FanBusting Machine...

Regards, Lance


Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 23:53:00
From: Peter Fitzgerald-Morris <pfm@glass.jecsystems.com>
Subject: Kate's Spirituality

Hello All,

Read the recent posts on Kate and Wicca etc. Those interested might care to read my ongoing series in HOMEGROUND (Advert!) "Them Heavy People" about a load of stuff on similar themes. Basically it takes off from Lily's spoken dedication, a quotation from Vedic scripture used virtually verbatim in the Charge of the Goddess, the basic document of modern paganism.

There are many and various stories about Kate being "initiated into Wicca". I regard most of them with a truckload of salt. It is clear Kate has explored many religious, spiritual, and philosophical fields. It runs in the family. No doubt her own ideas are an amalgum of things she found helpful and useful in these many fields.

The Gurdjieff/Sufi ideas and images in her early work were probably inherited from family discussions originated by John Carder Bush, a poet, author, and seeker himself. In any person born and brought up in a Roman Catholic family some traces of that religion must remain. She had friends in the Krishna movement. I have thought to have seen in Kate's work images suggested by Golden Dawn type ritual practice, of which "Lily" is the most recent and obvious.

At the end of it, Kate's ideas are probably most ideosyncratically her own.

Regarding Reading etc, I've just seen Karen's query regarding the type of studio to be put in there (that digest arrived late). Allwe know at the moment is that it is a sound recording studio.


From: nessus@mit.edu (Douglas Alan)
Date: 02 Dec 1995 05:36:45 GMT
Subject: Rocket's Tail

Here is the text of a letter I have just mailed off to the KBC. I thought you might find it amusing:

I have the privilege of working for MIT on a NASA project known as XTE (X-ray Timing Explorer). XTE will be an orbiting telescope that will search for cosmic X-ray sources, such as black holes, neutron stars, white dwarves, and active galactic nuclei. XTE is currently scheduled to be launched on a Delta rocket in just a few days (December 10th). Being in a position of some responsibility, I have snuck into the flight software ROM a line from a song by Ms. Bush!

The "flight software ROM" is a read-only memory chip that is an essential component of the telescope and it will be launched into orbit along with the rest of the satellite. The text of the secret message that is hidden within the ROM is

"Peek-a-boo little Earth" --Kate Bush

Knowing Ms. Bush's penchant for secret messages, I thought she might appreciate having a secret message by her launched into space and put into orbit around the Earth. This is the least I could do in return for all the moments of pleasure her music has given me over the years.


|>ouglas /\lan


From: Smith Van PRC <smithv@usafe16.ramstein.af.mil>
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 95 17:27:00 PST
Subject: Re: Rocket's Tail

Hello Love Hounds,

First you put KaTe in never-ending circulation on the world via Love Hounds, now you put her in orbital circulation around the world...




From: Wieland Willker <willker@chemie.uni-bremen.de>
Date: 4 Dec 1995 09:21:45 GMT
Subject: Re: Rocket's Tail

Douglas Alan wrote:

> The text of the secret message that is hidden within the ROM is

> "Peek-a-boo little Earth" --Kate Bush


* * Absolutely G R E A T ! ! * *

Super-cool |>oug!!!

My prayer will go with this mission. Peek-a-boo...



From: IEDSRI@aol.com
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 1995 04:06:32 -0500
Subject: Re: Rocket's Tail

Felicitations on |>oug's brilliant orbiting coup -- let's all keep fingers crossed for him that his good deed elicits an acKnowledgemenT...even if only several Kate-years hence.


From: Wieland Willker <willker@chemie.uni-bremen.de>
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 1995 12:27:33 -0100
Subject: Angry Kate

[re demos:]

Sounds very good! Go on with that, Uli! Anyone in Germany with the EP's? But remember, all this is VERY illegal! Better discuss most of it in private!

Do not infuriate KaTe!

An angry Kate? This just reminds me of a little article:

- -----------------

Daily Mirror, Sunday Feb. 17th 1990 Bush Wack

Sultry singer Kate Bush doesn't look in the mood to say cheese as she finds herself staring into photographer Robin Kennedy's lens.

A few moments later it was Kate who snapped - with a well aimed boot up the cameraman's backside. The pop star had to be restrained by long-time boyfriend Del Palmer as she and Kennedy bumped into each other outside a London nightspot. Afterwards the cameraman said: "I didn't think that anyone so small would be able to kick so hard."

- -------------------

Alive and kicking, heh?

The article is accompanied with a heavy shot. A really angry KaTe. Woah! She's very furious! Very! Nothing "I'm quite a happy little soul"... more an outburst of the lion. Be careful! This was serious anger not fun! For all that she looks somewhat BEAUTIFUL!

I'm bewildered... (she must be... mmh)


From: Wieland Willker <willker@chemie.uni-bremen.de>
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 1995 12:28:47 -0100
Subject: The unknown KT poem!

In the Cann/Mayes Visual Documentary a poem is mentioned, called

"A Tear and a Raindrop Met"

KT wrote that poem in Form II (1970/71) at St. Joseph's Convent Grammar School for the end of year school magazine. The other mentioned poems are published in the Paul Kerton Book.

Can someone in Kent investigate in this issue? This means drive to the school and look up the poem in the library? Maybe you can find other treasures!

Can you think of anything better to spend your time?

Craig Heath@SCO near London! I nominate you for this job.

Best wishes


On to E2 - Her Work In General - Crash Course In Lyrics

written by Love-Hounds
compiled and edited
Wieland Willker
Sept 1995 June 1996