This Woman's Work

a Kate Bush Discography

Version 0.1a

This discography is by far not yet ready. It doesn't contain much beyond all albums plus all singles up to but not including The Sensual World, as well as a few samplers, bootlegs and related work things. Only about 20 percent of the data I have acquired over the years is already in here.

Plans for the future include:

So as you can see, I've got plenty of work left to do. But nevertheless, if you've already some comments on the stuff already in here, or if you can provide me with additional information about any of the releases, don't hesitate to tell me at Uli Grepel (, or tell the Gaffaweb project group at

A lot of the html'isation is from Ellen van Neck, though so far I haven't been able to include all the goodies she did. Expect the layout, the optics, the features etc. to grow in the future.



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